Saturday, November 19, 2011

Training for 2012

Yesterday evening I ran on the treadmill. Told myself that if I was going to get back into training I would do it smart and start with a base period, also known as the principles of progression! I only wanted to run for a certain duration of 45 minutes. I stayed at an easy pace so that my body could get use to the repetitious movement. I also wanted to get some hill training in, so I increased .5% incline every five minutes. When I progressed to 4% I went ahead and my was back to zero. In total I ended up doing 5 miles and felt great.

Today while I was visiting the local Starbucks for use of their wifi, I began looking to see if anyone had ever designed a treadmill program to mimic Boston---someone did for the most part. It is I believe it is primarily the Newtown hills, but looks like a fun workout. I am going to give it a try tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to shoot for an easy 8. Wish me luck!!!!

The website to the Newton hills simulation program here is the site: newton-hills

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I didn't find the jpg of the course map I had previously used, but I made a new one for you and posted it on the blog:

    Good luck, hope it works for you!! Have fun at Boston! :)
